positive energy "calm."

graphic design project for the holidays

Project Type

Graphic Design, Creative Design, Mock Ups


Lead Graphic and Creative Designer


4 weeks


Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Project Overview

Handcrafted in Toronto and individually numbered, these lavender & bergamot scented soy wax candles embody the "calm" feelings we have while being around our loved ones.

This project was made with love and care for all the family and friends we have. Thank you all for inspiring us everyday unknowingly, just by being you, and doing your own thing ๐Ÿ™‚โšก

final product

final design and measurements

background & story ๐Ÿ“•

In the past few months I have been working with the brand positive energy to create garments and accessories, while growing the brands identity and purpose.

Positive Energy started off as a passion project to create gifts for the holiday season. Every design we've created has a message and story behind it. For this holiday season we chose to create a candle that represented the way we feel around those close to us.

initial pen and paper draft designs

intial Ps mock ups

design process โœ๏ธ

As the lead visual and graphic designer in this project, my goal was to create a design that signified a meaning and story. To essentially create a product that could show the feeling of warmth and growth, like a candle does as it slowly ignites to produce light.

The gradients represent the increasing warmth and happiness we gain through the people that inspire us, similar to how a flame appears. We wanted to emphasize how each individual receiving the candle was special in their own way, and hoped to accomplish that message with the individually hand numbered labels.

potential Ai designs

potential physical designs

project analysis ๐Ÿ’ญ

From initial planning to distribution, this project took around 4 weeks. Overall this project was a rewarding experience to gain more experience with Adobe Creative Suite. It was an exciting project as we only had such a small window to design and finish up production in time for the holidays. As I took on such a large role for one of my first design projects, it was a great experience for me as a designer.

Thank you! ๐Ÿ™

Thanks for taking the time to check out one of the projects I've created! If you have any questions or want to learn more about the design, don't hesitate to connect with me!

Want to connect?

Hit me up at thejackycheung@gmail.com